Bed bugs are back!
After an almost 50 year hiatus bed bugs have reappeared with a vengeance.
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Video Courtesy of the University of Florida
Welcome to Bed Bug Solutions Inc.!
Due to increased international travel, their resistance to many pesticides and their elusive and cryptic behavior, bed bug infestations are on the rise. Many large cities are reporting 10 fold to 100 fold increases in bed bug occurrences over the past 10 years. Bed bugs do not discriminate against any social or economic status nor are they are result of uncleanliness. Bed bug infestations have been reported in hotels, apartment buildings, private homes, airplanes, movie theaters, dorm rooms, nursing homes, cruise ships and trains etc...
Visual inspection is unreliable.
Even the most experienced pest control specialists may not be able to detect a low level infestation due to hidden and inaccessible locations. The most difficult and important step in eliminating bed bugs is identification and confirmation. It is extremely important to detect bed bugs as soon as possible, before the infestation becomes well established or spreads throughout your property.
Canine detection is the only proven effective method.
Bed Bug Solutions Inc. employs Watson, our 'Canine Detective' to identify and confirm an infestation quickly and conveniently the first time and allows you to take action immediately to eliminate the problem. Watson, our bed bug inspection dog was trained by a NESDCA approved (National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association) training facility, specifically in the identification of bed bugs. Due to his keen sense of smell he can detect the presence of odor from live bed bugs and viable eggs in cracks, crevices and other hiding places that would be otherwise missed on a visual inspection. Since he has only been trained to identify bed bugs he does not alert to other scents such as termites, drugs or mold, therefore eliminating any confusion. His training allows for a quick, accurate and non invasive inspection. What would normally take a pest control specialist hours, Watson can do in a matter of minutes with greater accuracy.